A Gang Show is a theatrical, variety show,
performed by members of Scouts and Guides. The
shows are produced to provide members with an
opportunity to experience life on the stage, as well
as contributing to the artistic and cultural growth
of their local community.
Gang Shows are entirely volunteer run, and often
feature a majority of work written by Scouting and
Guiding members.
Gang Show’s originated in 1931, when Ralph
Reader, a Rover Scout trying to make his mark in
theatre in the US and London, was asked to write a
Scout-based variety show to raise money for a
swimming pool at Downe Scout Camp. The name
came about during a rehearsal break. Reader called
his cast together, and one responded "Aye, aye
Skip, the gang's all here". And so the Gang Show
was born.
The first Gang Show in Hastings was in 1966,
produced by Eric Stokes (1922-2016). Over 50 years
later and we’re still going strong with a cast of over
100 young people and adults from Scouting in
Hastings, Rye and District, and Guides from the
Hastings Division. The cast perform in November
each year, offering 4 opportunities for friends,
family and our local community to come along and
We can’t promise a west end performance, but we
can promise to fill the stage with a bunch of
enthusiastic cast members ready to entertain!